Thursday, May 08, 2008


Iredell County authorities seized 20 pounds of marijuana, valued at $400,000, during a Tuesday morning traffic stop.

Today's trivia question: Can you tell from the story which way the malefactor was headed?

Hint: It wasn't south. As noted here a few summers back, the "street value" of marijuana in Lexington County, S.C., is a mere $1,100 a pound. Granted, everything's taking a hit from inflation, but -- $20,000 a pound?

Next time, let's do the math and firmly attribute all wild speculation about the retail value of illegal drugs, on every reference, to whoever offers the said speculation. And by all means, don't amplify the guess in a hed.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Values like that are going to price 5th graders right out of the market. The only way a hard-working kid would be able to get high would be to continue pilfering from the medicine cabinet, and nobody wants to see that.

8:04 AM, May 09, 2008  
Blogger The Ridger, FCD said...

$20,000 a pound? "Valued at" by whom, exactly, I want to know. So I can sell them my... er, no. Of course not. Just joking.

8:05 AM, May 09, 2008  

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