Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Remain calm! All is well!

Your lips to God's ears -- or, more specifically, from Gateway Pundit to Drudge to the Washington Times to the Fox Nation. The black guy's playing golf again!

That puts into context Monday morning's commentary from Howard Kurtz, called in to explain the latest outburst from the Party Leader:

... There are two simultaneous realities here: The media are in the midst of the most one-sided reporting and analysis I’ve ever seen in a presidential campaign. And Trump keeps giving them ammunition. Even if they are overplaying and misinterpreting his comments on “Second Amendment people” and “founder of ISIS” and the like, these are his words, on videotape, that stir the constant controversies that have overshadowed the coverage of Hillary Clinton.

Kurtz is taking on the Chip Diller role at Fox here: Remain calm! It's the media! All is well! And no doubt he's right: it might well be the most one-sided reporting of a campaign he's ever seen, or at least that he remembers having seen. Howard Kurtz lives and works on a planet on which there's actually an FDA-recommended adult minimum for stories in which everything the Kenyan usurper does (golfing, having dinner, raising teenagers) is an affront to American values, just by his doing it. That's the context in which to take the claim that an unhealthy focus on the Party Leader's moral and lexical cluelessness is diverting attention from "coverage of Hillary Clinton."

A balanced campaign story would look more like this:

 ... in which "'rigging' charge" is a thing, rather than an object of ridicule.

I don't mean to suggest that there's no room left for an even-handed, indoor-voices presentation of the relevant evidence that allows the masses to do their democratic duty. I would suggest that Howard Kurtz is rapidly running out of lipstick to dress up the truckload of pigs that Fox leaves in his inbox every day.

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